Hello! My name’s Daniel Brookes and I’m a TV Producer from London. I spend my time coming up with ideas for shows and obsessing about all things creative. I’m always trying to figure out where ideas come from and how to have better ones, so I’ve started the Unlocking Creativity podcast to help me, as much as you the listeners. Together, I hope we can be inspired by what we hear and go on to create new, exciting and brilliant things that could go on to change the world around us.

On the podcast, you’ll discover:

  • New ways to find creative inspiration.

  • How the trailblazing guests had the ideas that went on to change their lives.

  • Where creativity happens.

  • Why creativity is important.

  • How to be more creative at work and at home.

  • Actionable methods to cultivate your own big, bold and game-changing ideas.

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